But I LOVE this guy Lloyd. Apparently he runs marathons with wacky costumes. This one was the London Marathon. The MARATHON! That's dedication.
My roommate Andrew's girlfriend Nicole is working with "Team in Training" to run a real marathon I think in late October (early February? I forget. The memory of a goldfish). Anyway, she's constantly training, and she did a 22 mile run this weekend(!). She says that Team in Training is really supportive, they'll set up mile markers and provide little cups of gatorade and her teammates are all as gung-ho as she is.
I think that might be my problem. Instead, my friends and I support each other in NOT running:
"Did you run this weekend?" "Nope." "Oh good, neither did I!" "We're so silly! Let's run together tomorrow!"
"Do you still want to run tonight?" "Not really, I'm kind of busy." "Oh good, I wasn't planning on it either." "We'll go this weekend." "Sure!"
Now that's supportive!
But let's face it...even if I won't be half as fast or impressive as I might originally have hoped, it'll still be fun, and we've raised thousands of dollars for BBBSBA thus far, which is the important thing and the whole reason I signed up for it in the first place. Maybe I'll still be bit by the marathon bug on Sunday...crazier things have happened (see Lloyd, above...I mean, if he can pull a giant rock for twenty-some miles, I can run a measly 13).
P.S. http:
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