Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We named the DOG Indiana!

Okay, I don't really have much that's new to report. I did two runs through the Mission this weekend but never more than an hour...cause I get bored real fast (besides, I have a big blister on the bottom of my foot! boo hoo)

But I LOVE this guy Lloyd. Apparently he runs marathons with wacky costumes. This one was the London Marathon. The MARATHON! That's dedication.

My roommate Andrew's girlfriend Nicole is working with "Team in Training" to run a real marathon I think in late October (early February? I forget. The memory of a goldfish). Anyway, she's constantly training, and she did a 22 mile run this weekend(!). She says that Team in Training is really supportive, they'll set up mile markers and provide little cups of gatorade and her teammates are all as gung-ho as she is.

I think that might be my problem. Instead, my friends and I support each other in NOT running:
"Did you run this weekend?" "Nope." "Oh good, neither did I!" "We're so silly! Let's run together tomorrow!"
"Do you still want to run tonight?" "Not really, I'm kind of busy." "Oh good, I wasn't planning on it either." "We'll go this weekend." "Sure!"

Now that's supportive!

But let's face it...even if I won't be half as fast or impressive as I might originally have hoped, it'll still be fun, and we've raised thousands of dollars for BBBSBA thus far, which is the important thing and the whole reason I signed up for it in the first place. Maybe I'll still be bit by the marathon bug on Sunday...crazier things have happened (see Lloyd, above...I mean, if he can pull a giant rock for twenty-some miles, I can run a measly 13).

P.S. http://blba.us/i.asp?id=313088-256205804-1 (I'm only $225 from my goal!)

Monday, September 21, 2009

A perfect method for adding drama to life is to wait until the deadline looms large. - A. Cornyn-Selby

It's getting down to the wire folks...while I was living the good life of bacon, booze, and sleeping till noon in Philadelphia last week, Robert sent me the following email:

Hi Danielle,
I just want to check in with you to see how your training is going? Did you get in a longer run this last weekend? What is the longest run that you've done and how long did it take to run it?
I look forward to hearing from you.

I think we can all read between the lines here..."are you training? give me an example of a longer run to prove that you're actually training. I suspect you're not training and you're going to pass out halfway through..."

I kid, I kid...especially since he sent an inspirational "you're right on the money" email when I explained my last ditch training schedule for the next two weeks.

Expect a flurry of posts between now and Oct 4th as I leap into action. I've always liked operating under a tight deadline anyway...I guess that's why I'm a grantwriter!

Thanks so much to Darius, Kim, and Barbara, all of whom have generously funded my marathon efforts by making a big ol' contribution to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

...and if you haven't yet done the same, now's your chance!:

See you at the finish line!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wait a minute...running IS fun!

Here's me attempting a glorious leap over home plate at Sunday's 5K race. Unfortunately the photographers at this event didn't cooperate and caught me just at the start of the jump. You can sort of see it in my face: best jumping picture ever, here I come! and...

But I have to say, races are fun! Strangers clap and cheer for you...you get a goody bag full of random stuff most of which you eat on BART on the way home...you feel like you accomplished something meaningful and can spend the rest of the day watching True Blood in your pajamas!

Incidentally, included in said goody bag was a San Francisco Bride Magazine. What?! Should all women who wear size small T-shirts and run 5K races be getting married, and furthermore, should be able to afford a $5K dress and a "day of" wedding planner so they "don't have to be the point person on their big day"? Ugh. I bet it wasn't in the men's size XL goody bag. It did make for interesting reading as I ate my third mini clif bar on the BART, though.

Anyway...yay for running!