Monday, June 1, 2009

And so it begins...

I typically give up on any "let's jog together and get in shape" pact about seven blocks in. It is boring and exhausting and all I can think about every minute of every run is how much I hate it.

BUT...Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area has a half-marathon team, and I've decided to join (read: been coerced into joining) it. I believe in raising money for a great organization, I live a healthier lifestyle in SF, I go to bikram yoga three or four times a'll be fine, right? We'll see. We'll see on this very blog.

Today we received our information packet and training schedule from our group trainer, Robert Mills. He tells us "I believe you are going to find this to be a truly rewarding and life changing experience." I believe that seeing little "2-4 miles Saturday 7:30 AM" blocks on an 18 week long schedule makes me want to vomit.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it Danielle! You've rocked yoga, running is no harder. Just start slow, and be consistent and listen to your body and you'll be finishing in under 4!
